Dependency Management

Every Java project can add a dependencies.gradle file in its top most folder. In it, it may declare its dependencies using [gradle’s syntax]. The special dependency configurations production and tests must be used. These dependencies will also automatically be imported through Buildship into Eclipse.

Eclipse Plugin Dependencies

An Eclipse Project’s dependencies on other Eclipse Plugins are declared in src/main/resources/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. Eclipse offers a convenient visual editor for editing it.

Heads up: Due to a limitation in wuff, the gradle plugin that builds the Eclipse projects, dependencies in the MANIFEST.MF must not declare a version! As Eclipse usually adds a version requirement, it must be removed manually.

Update Sites

Dependencies defined in the MANIFEST.MF must come from an update site. If a declared dependency is not provided by any update site yet, add an appropriate update site to Beagle/buildSrc/src/tasks/gradle/20 eclipse plugins.gradle.

Build Dependencies

Build dependencies are the ones required by build code. Tasks can define them in the task file itself. Code in a project’s buildSrc/src/main/groovy folder may add a dependencies.gradle file and declare dependencies there.